Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Don't count The days, Make the days count.

This week was supposed to be our vacation week. We usually just take a trip to the beach and stay at my hubby's works condo on the water. However since Munch is going through a phase where he does not enjoy the beach AT ALL we decided I would just have a week at home with him.

Yesterday was the first day of vacation and we spent the morning at home with a few friends. It was a relaxing way for us both to spend the day.

We have always given Munch baths in the morning because truthfully when he was a baby by the time I got home from work I only had a couple of hours with him before bedtime and I wanted it to be fun time and not 30 minutes of it spent with a bedtime routine. So while giving him his morning bath this morning I kept thinking about how much I love giving him a bath. See I only get to give my sweet boy 2 baths a week because I am working the other 5 days. While ironing his shirt for the day I thought about how much I love picking his clothes out. While he was having breakfast I thought about how much I love having breakfast with him. I am saying all this because I understand now one aspect of being a working mom that can be a blessing. I enjoy every simple moment with Munch. Our moments are limited so I enjoy the everyday chores like bath time, picking out clothes, feeding him. To those of you who get to do those things everyday and feel overwhelmed by it, take a moment to enjoy it. Feel blessed that you have the gift of extra time with your little ones. Those times go by fast and we cannot get them back.

My theme for this week is: Don't count the days, Make the days count.

I tend to be one who thinks to far ahead. Instead of enjoying the moment I worry about whats coming next. For example all I could seem to think about was how terrible my first day back to work is going to be next week. Today Munch and I went to a couple of stores to just walk around and enjoy mommy & munch time. While looking for some items for a friends house that I am helping her decorate I spotted this...

I had to grab it. It was perfect and only $2.99. Its the perfect statement for me. I always look ahead with sadness to the next day of work that I have to leave Munch. Now I am truly going to try and just live in the moment with him and not think about work and how leaving him hurts.

When we came home Munch took it out of the bag and started walking around the house holding it up at different places saying "Here?" followed by munch words that only he understands. I had to laugh because I do that with him all the time when I am decorating. Just such a sweet moment for us that I will always remember.

Not the greatest picture because it was taken with my phone but how cute is he????

Well I am off to take care of some chores so I can be ready for him when he wakes up!

Lots of Love,