Sunday, June 26, 2011

Few Extra Days off from work equal...

Last week a few extra days off from work meant I not only had extra time with my little man but while he slept I was able to work on projects around the house. I have slowly been working on our bedroom but now its so close to complete that I just wanted to share it. We have one last project which honestly I started a year ago and never finished. I took our boring closet doors and used extra trim from another project and fabric from the room to create three ...well you will just have to wati to see that one!! I am very happy with how inexpensive it was to finish the rest of the room...

I love love love Kate Spade. I have so many of her boxes that the purses come in. I finally found a way to use a couple...

When we were working on the foyer I broke a picture frame so I took a hanging vase and placed that in the center instead of it being a complete loss.

I actually finished these pictures a while back. I used extra fabric left over from our closet doors...

I dislike our nightstands very much however I also do not want to buy new ones so...I took placemats and cloth napkins that matched our room and covered them. I LOVE IT.

I took two mirros. The black one is a cheap one from Ikea I have had for years and the green one I picked up from Target. I had some extra ribbon laying around the house so...

Now to the next project...Oh wait I have to finish the closet doors. ;)


  1. So cute! I love the unisex monochromatic colors that also have a lot of femine and masculine flair. Beautiful bedroom!
